
Monday, November 23, 2009

Heavenly But Not Blue

I love Morning Glory, specifically, Heavenly Blue Morning Glory. It was so well presented in Kiki's post, Awake With Charm & Spirit, "The Color Essence of Blues." She followed up with another post "Blue Essence Invitation" inspired by Diana, Elephant's Eye, asking other garden bloggers to share their blues.

I am certainly not blue! But sure would like more blues running through my garden. As I mentioned before I am trying, really trying, to stick to this color scheme: BLUE, orange, reds/burgundy throughout my entire garden. I don't have much blue to share right now, because my garden is so young. I can tell you what I've recently planted: Monkshood, 'Stainless Steel,' that I am hoping will spread into a beautiful patch of blue; Globe Thistle 'Ritro', which I expect to rise to the occasion and offer nodding heads of blue next summer; Allium bulbs 'caeruleum' that I can't wait to see pop up; Sea Holly 'BLUE Glitter' - which really does glitter blue and that I unfortunately did not snap a photo of (next year); BLUE Spruce, BLUE Star Juniper, BLUE Fescue ... which I will keep you posted on. But what I do have to share right now, and was absolutely amazed by, is Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue!'

You may remember the "Nice Driveway" post with the custom built trellis as a privacy screen. Well, the vine that you see covering the trellis is Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue.' I had planted some older seeds that really didn't come up and then ran across a young plant (about 4" - really) at a local nursery. I just plugged that baby into the ground and look what grew in three short months to this incredible size ...

There is a little Cardinal Vine to the left - in case you look at the larger version of this photo and see the odd leaf shape. I was just amazed by this vine this past season. Just look at this beautiful foliage and coverage ...

However, I did not get many blooms. I have found that here in the "North Country" this particular Morning Glory seems to bloom very late. Any comments on that? Is there a secret I should know?

But what blooms there are, well, are, just heavenly ...

All that remains is what I describe as a "tree trunk" - and it's amazing, too ...

Hopefully, at least a few seeds dropped and will surprise me again next year. But I did plant a Dutchman's Pipe Vine, Aristolochia Macrophylla, a perennial and a host plant to the beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly. This is the vine that I really had planned for this trellis.

And if heavenly just isn't enough, I have been honored with this award by both Anna at Green Tapestry, weaving a green and beautiful garden for sure, and Noelle the AZ Plant Lady!, a true desert oasis that is always in bloom. Both of these blogs are so well worth visiting and getting to know.

This is something to sing about - and certainly not the blues - maybe a snappy New Orleans jazz kinda tune! Thank you so much - it truly is a surprise and I am honored. Now I must pass this along with these words of advice: Post this award on your blog along with the name of the person who passed it on to you and link to their blog. Then be sure to leave them a comment to let them know that they have been chosen.  Choose blogs which you have recently discovered and you think are great and pass it on to them.

And I'm going to stop there because "7" is lucky! And I feel lucky and thankful, but not blue.


  1. Yes, I have hopes for more blue in my garden, too. Your list sounds great and your photo of the morning glory is heavenly!

  2. I think that Morning Glory is the truest blue that I have ever seen in a flower. It looks beautiful on your new trellis :0)

  3. Blue is such an elusive colour in the garden. If you're a lover of blues, then visit Teza at -- who knows a ton about blue plants (and rare plants, too).

    Thanks so much for awarding us! I'll have to think about how to handle that.

  4. I plant 'Heavenly Blue' morning glories, every year. I have never had them re-seed. Other varieties do, such as 'Grampa Ott', but not the one I want. My friend Pat is always ripping them out, because they re-seed so aggressively! They are beautiful!

  5. Wow..what a super lovely post!Love the photo of the morning glory..super-stunning!!And you have named so many other awesome blues..I too have the globe thistles..and some alliums..they are so pretty! Yay..I enjoyed reading and your lovely photos! I would love to add your post to the blue list..hope you don't mind!
    That was fun! Thanks for your beautiful post!

  6. My native Dutchman's Pipe, A. californica has grown vigorously after taking a couple years to establish. It does drop its leaves in the winter, but I've trained it on a trellis & arbor so the flowers are shown off to their advantage. In fact, this year it flowered on and off throughout the seasons, which was surprising! It's a wonderful plant, for the swallowtails and for me, too ;~)

  7. ah, shucks... thanks again for a most lovely honor :) i'm a morning glory kinda gal too. they grow up our trellis on our deck. i love Heavenly Blue. sometimes i grow some Flying Saucer variety as well. next year I'll be planting the all white Moon Flower. they are suppose to be so sweetly scented. can't wait!!


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