
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Garden/Theresa St/2010

That is the file name and location of my pictures on my computer for my garden here in the North Country. I can start a NEW folder for yet another year. This will be my third ... though my first year began in October of 2008 - not much of a start. I hope to add many more years at this location and actually see my garden mature.

So, Happy New Year! That means it's time to start planning my "spring strategy" or "plan of attack." The season can be short so I must be ready to go at the first sign of Spring.

I received a wonderful book for Christmas entitled "Home Outside: Creating the Landscape You Love" by Julie Moir Messervy. It is very inspiring and enlightening. I will be using it to refine my plans and really think about how I want to enjoy my garden space - and not just what other plants are on "my list" that I can fit here or there for the birds and the bees. I want to be able to sit in my garden (eternally in the making) and enjoy those birds and bees that I have been working so hard to attract!

So, here is a previous overall plan for my small plot that I worked out initially. It is geared toward creating a habitat for wildlife. I have followed it pretty closely but always end up changing a few things here and there and on the fly when digging in the garden.

I marked "feeding stations" and "water sources." Numbered a variety of plants chosen for their wildlife value. "Starred" the neighboring mature trees. "RB" means rain barrel - something I've yet to set up. Well, I move the bird feeders around a lot. And I had to purchase different types of feeders because of some of the aggressive birds here in this village like Starlings and House Sparrows that I never had in the Maine woods in such numbers. I move my bird baths when plants grow taller or bushier. I may have thought that shrub was a good choice but then I'll learn of a better option. I love old fashioned lilacs and really want one - not the best wildlife choice - but can't I have both in my garden? ... A plan is a good place to start but not necessarily what you (I) will end up with.

So, now I am thinking in terms of the "woodland border" section - which will eventually partially shade the "butterfly garden." But the "butterfly garden" can gradually move to the "nice driveway" section in full sun and I can build a new partially shaded perennial border where the butterfly garden border was - and what will that be? And then there is the "wet prairie" section ... and now I am thinking about incorporating "views" and "private retreats." Where will I sit and paint my garden? Where will I sit to enjoy an evening cocktail and watch the birds?

So I definitely need a PLAN OF ATTACK come spring. And think I'll start with digging around in the potager, specifically the (future) rhubarb patch.


  1. great post . I love to dream of the garden and jot down plants and combinations. I hope you are warm up there where you are.

  2. Happy New Year, Violet Fern! It's great to have your voice back after the holidays. -Jean

  3. It is nice to have the winter to plan all this out in advance. I love your drawing.
    Can't wait to see it put into action.

  4. Good Luck with all your garden planning! Happy New Year! Carol

  5. I am looking forward to seeing you implement your plans. I think you have a great outlook....plans on paper are so useful, but always allow for a little 'tweaking' to get just what you want in the end :-)

  6. I have been having similar dilemmas. Although I am going to concentrate on one or two borders this year rather than the whole garden. Good luck with your plans

  7. Happy gardening in 2010 - sounds like you will be very busy. i am looking forward to seeing your posts this year!

  8. Happy New YEAR VF! It sounds as if you have got a lot to keep you occupied - good luck with your plans. Look forward to hearing about your progress.

  9. i love your garden plan! i'm right there with you brimming full of excitement for the new season. just put in my seed order and i'm pretty my giddy over it ;)

  10. Thank you so much for commenting - and your support! I really have to make good on some sort of plan now, huh? Keeps me honest, I say. I can't wait to see all your new plans and plantings, too this upcoming New Year - just can't wait for Spring either!


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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