
Monday, March 15, 2010

Bloom Day, March 2010

Outdoors the crocus and daffodils are just beginning to push their way up through the soggy ground - we have had several days of "April Showers" this March. Last year I wrote on my calendar that my first crocus bloomed on March 25.

My bee balm, several wild flowers and helenium are already showing their first few leaves. The neighbor's silver maple and box elder have blossoms just waiting to bloom. So does my forsythia - I cannot wait to see it this year. It is finally a good size and should be quite a show. I started it from a cutting when I left Maine.

Indoors my crown of thorns is blooming. It is yellow. Also, my little stars orchid. My little stars orchid sends out this delicious fragrance but only at night. Its scent permeates the entire room. I wish I could add a smellorama feature.

 Little Stars Orchid

And, most appropriately, my shamrock is blooming (though this picture is taken while she is "sleeping" - her leaves close up in the evening).


Bloom day is hosted (and created by) Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. The snow finally melted this weekend in my garden. Yay, spring is on the way. Love your orchid.

  2. How interesting that your orchid releases it's fragrance only at night? I wonder if that is normal for other plants? I wish I could smell how wonderful it smells too...

  3. Thank you guys! I purchased this orchid in Maine at a sale put on at the University in Orono by the Orchid Society. Deborah, I am so glad your snow is gone! Know how great that is!

  4. A smellorama feature would be great -if only! Your orchid is very special. I am so glad winter is slipping away. Hooray for spring!


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