
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April's Featured Bee

The month of April in my North American Native Bee Calendar purchased from the Great Sunflower Project, features the Digger Bee, genus Anthophora. They may also be referred to as Longhorned Bees because males sport exceptionally long antennae. They emerge in early Spring to Summer depending on the species and mostly nest in the ground.

Most digger bees range from small to medium size. They are fuzzy - very furry, and some species display prominent black and white banding on the abdomen. They fly very fast and are able to hover before landing on a flower. Swarms of males can be seen cruising around nesting sites seeking emerging females. Digger bees typically have very long tongues.

You might find digger bees in your garden if you grow the following: salvia, lavender, nepeta/catnip, phacelia.

I hope to search for them in my front garden that I expanded just last fall.

This photo was taken of the front garden last week before the "big clean up." Here I have growing lavender and nepeta walker's low, as well as snow in summer, russian sage, lambs ears, iris and aster. Blooming are reticulated iris.

I noticed that I have quite a bit of action in my mason bee house right now. I cannot positively identify the bees flying in and out of here - they are fast and go in the holes before I can get a good look! Then they pop back out like little rockets. I believe they are collecting nectar and pollen. On the day I observed them it was sunny and warm - today, not so much.


Above is a close up. These holes are made from bamboo and go quite deep so I've yet to see a mud plug but I am keeping my fingers crossed. I will let you know of any progress. This house should last for several seasons and faces southwest.

In the meantime I'll be in the garden among the bees.


  1. How interesting about the digger bees. I am always happy to have bees in my garden. I hope you soon have new tenants in your mason bee house :-)

  2. I'm in love with your mason bee house! I need to make one!

  3. Your mason bee house is very nice! What a great idea. I imagine it's a highly desirable, upper-class apartment in the bee world!

  4. Would love to hear about bees in your gardens! Saw my first bumble bee yesterday (4/11).

  5. Noticed 4/14 that there is a mud plug! Yeah!

  6. There are two more mud plugs as of today!


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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