
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bloom Day, May 2010

Here is what is blooming in my Northern NY garden this 15th of May.

Bleeding Heart

Geranium bud

Muscari Grape Hyacinth
(a little trampled from when we took down the tree)

Muscari - this is a mixed variety I ordered from Bluestone Perennials. 
I just love these little "puffs."

Daffodil variety also from Bluestone. 
These have bloomed later than the traditional yellow.

This one is surrounded by a sea of forget-me-nots.

Wild strawberry?

Foam Flower

 Iris - these are a small/short variety from my mother.


An earlier blooming lily. 
This bud will be a deep, dark red when it opens.

Mt. Bluet - I love the buds almost as much as the blooms.

Mt. Bluet full bloom

Species tulip among creeping phlox.

These tulips are waving good bye.


  1. A big apology to those that attempted to comment on this post and weren't able to!

  2. Beautiful! I especially like the combination of the white daffodil and blue forget-me-nots.

  3. great colors abound!! i especially love the white daffodil amidst the forget-me-nots.

  4. I love bleeding heart and that is a primrose nothing like ours here! Great show, I love the simplicity...sometimes you just wanna look at pretty pictures!

  5. Really beautiful! I love seeing the different pretty!


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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