
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What's Growing

I just harvested my first ever garlic crop! I have it drying in my shed for about two weeks. In its place I've planted parsnip seeds.

Soft garlic harvest.

Hardneck garlic harvest.

I also just pulled my spinach which began to flower and will plant some more. I had to capture this rainbow of swiss chard - var. Multicolor Bright Lights - before I planted again. (Don't mind the stalks that I've already munched! My favorite so far? Swiss chard sauteed in olive oil with garlic and bacon over pasta topped with a good grate of parm cheese.)

Cabbage head - Ruby Perfection.

Baby brussels.

Bean blossoms and beans! (Purple Royal Burgundy.)

It's beans and butter for dinner!

Climbing cukes, Northern Pickling Cucumbers.

Sweeties! And sweet they are ... yum!


  1. Beautiful photos of beautiful veggies! i admit i'm a bit envious of your garlic--i've yet to get a good crop. i suspect rabbits, not sure. Also have the bright lights chard and love it!

  2. Wow you have so much ready to pick or very close to being ready. The Swiss chard is so pretty! I would plant it just for it's ornamental value alone. Tomatoes here are not doing so well, mostly just flowers and I'm beginning to think we'll have few to eat this year. Usually we have so many we don't know what to do with them.

  3. Your garlic is so far ahead of mine. My leaves are still all green, should be soon though. Looks like quite the veggie harvest.

  4. Your harvest looks beautiful, and the swiss chard recipe sounds yummy. There is nothing better than a meal prepared fresh from the garden! Which reminds me, I have green beans to pick!

  5. I LOVE garlic and can't wait to grow some next year. Yours looks fantastic. I also love your multi-colored beans :-)

  6. My Dad just harvested his garlic too, he has so much he's selling by the road. He takes great pride in his garlic! You are further north in NY state than I am, I am on the southern shore of Lake Ontario. It looked like your area got some major storms yesterday.

  7. It's so wild to see a harvest in July! Everything here is nearly dried up and I'm thinking about what to plant for Fall. Everything looks beautiful, I love those purple beans! They're ready at Thanksgiving here!

  8. So interesting to hear how things are growing elsewhere. Seems harvest times really do differ! Hard to tell when you walk in a grocery store, eh? I hope to grow even MORE garlic come fall - more hardneck varieties. Noelle you will LOVE growing garlic. Hi Bonnie from NY! We did have quite a storm - it blew our canoe across the yard! But my veggie trellises were still standing! Yes, there is nothing like a meal prepared fresh from the garden.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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