
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Take A Hike At Letchworth

A couple of weekends ago we took a little trip to visit my sister. We decided to take a hike at Letchworth State Park in Central NY. The leaves were not at their peak but beginning to turn. The day was slightly overcast but pleasant. For those of you who automatically think of "New York City" whenever someone says he or she is from NY, I hope this changes your view of NY State, "upstate." Letchworth is known as "the grand canyon of the east."  So, take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip with me ... (ah, that may stick in your head).

Trees roots revealed in the path of run off.
A stroke of fall color.
At this overlook you can sit at these tables made from stone - so cool.
Overlook is right!
Turkey vultures ride the air currents.

Trees cling to ledges and rocks.
Signs bring to your attention that there are 129 steps (as in stairs) leading to the lower falls.
The view is worth it.
And so you return back to the woods from where you began.


  1. How Wonderful! Glorious walk with you VF! I love your perspective of the trees and trunks. What a beautiful part of the world. Thank you for sharing! ;>)

  2. How funny that you posted this today - my daughter and I are going there Sunday. They have a huge craft show on Columbus Day weekend, so we plan to view the crafts and hike a little. We used to camp there quite often when our kids were little.

  3. Very beautiful there. Reminds me of the Pacific Northwest!
    Love your pics.

  4. What wonderfully wonderful landscape! Now I want to go there, pity it's so far and so expensive to get to.

  5. Thank you for a wonderful tour of this great state park! I love, love those tree roots! i am always drawn to wooded walks, rivers, and canyons. This was perfect.

  6. My daughter and I spent the day at Letchworth on Sunday. I posted pictures on my blog and posted a link to your blog about your hike. It was a beautiful day. Their annual craft show was a bit too crowded for us, but we enjoyed touring the park.

  7. I am so glad you enjoyed. I love trees - big, beautiful trees and wish the ones I planted in my yard would grow faster! It is always cleansing to submerse myself in woods. I hope you also were able to stop by Bonnie's blog and see her beautiful photos of this park as well. I would love to see the Northwest and Australia! Maybe someday ... but for now it's nice we can enjoy each other's gardens and landscapes virtually.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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