
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Frosty Morning

Wild Strawberries, Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Alice'
Cornus Mas, Cornelian Cherry
Heuchera Purple Palace, Sugar Maple Leaves
Lamium 'Orchid Frost', Blue Spruce


Calendula 'Flashback'
Rose Mallow


  1. Beautiful shots. We have had our first frost here as well.

  2. I really think everything looks so pretty coated in frost. We still haven't had one, but usually do by mid November.

  3. Beautiful photos! I especially like the calendula and rose mallow shots.

  4. We had a pretty heavy frost here too . . . scattered about the garden. Your photos of the icy fingers of death are quite stunning. Sad but beautiful! I just notice your Plein Air button . . . a painter! Lovely! ;>)

  5. this is so wonderfully captured, even though its a sad part of the garden ending, the beauty of how you captured it will be kept forever in your photography, so nicely done.

  6. Thank you! I love the first frosts. Enjoyed your photos as well - for those of you in fros zones. It's almost time for "Frosty the Snowman."

    I have been enjoying painting plein air (outdoors, on locatioin) for most of the summer. I hope to make time to keep painting in my office/studio over the winter. Each month I feature one of my paintings on this blog - another way to make myself keep painting! I work in watercolor - difficult, but I plan to keep at it.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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