
Monday, November 15, 2010

What's Blooming

Although we have had an incredible Indian Summer, snow is forecast. What little blooms are left will soon fade until Spring. I'll enjoy what I can right up until the bitter cold end.

This mix of plants, mostly begonias, was brought inside early but seems to be perfectly happy in front of this stained-glass window.

It seems the annuals are out-blooming the perennials. Out front alyssum is blooming among the gourds and bluestar in this basket.

In this basket, the asters are still holding their starry little heads high.

Snap dragons and violas pop in full color among the rocks and fallen leaves.

Along the drive rose mallow and California poppies are still unfolding blooms.

Along the edge of the potager, calendula refuses to go to bed.

This honeysuckle has been blooming since early spring. I look forward to the day it climbs high into the porch lattice work. The hummingbirds should dip into its teardrop blooms while I'm sitting in my great grandmother's rocking chair very nearby. Well, that's what I'm hoping for anyway. Its blooms now stand out against its leaves darkened by the cold.

The catmint is barely singed by the heavy frosts.

Orchid frost lamium seems immune to frost and cold, and continues to bloom beneath this blue spruce.

Though this obedient plant is scorched by the cold, its leaves now a dark, beautiful purple, it obediently blooms.

Panicum switch grass 'Dallas Blues' is now in full bloom and a brilliant gold.

And finally, a first time bloom on my miscanthus 'Morning Light' now three years old.

Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month. Visit Carol's blog to see who else is blooming and be sure to add your blooms to the list.


  1. I love the image your blog title creates... enjoyed my visit to your site! L

  2. Your Orchid Frost Lamium is looking quite nice. Have always liked the Lamiums, but they tend to get cooked in my southern heat.

  3. You still have some wonderful blooms and beautiful grasses in the garden beds.The poppy is so pretty. We have had a wonderful Indian Summer too and I enjoyed it to the max while it was here.
    Have a wonderful week and I hope the snow passes you by.

  4. It's just beautiful in your garden! I love all the colors in the basket planter. I do hope you get some Hummers visiting your Honeysuckle.

  5. Lovely post...congrats on the Miscanthus bloom!

  6. You have so much still in bloom that I am jealous. The only thing that survives the hard frosts we have had here is the calendula that I have in the front flower bed. As you say they "refuse to go to bed."

  7. Beautiful pics. I love the gourd photo.

  8. Very beautiful blooms! love the little poppy

  9. Enjoy it while it lasts! We were caught off guard on Saturday with 10 inches of heavy wet snow. I no longer have any plants still standing for some winter interest.

  10. I still have blooms! But we are now getting colder weather and rain which will become snow by the end of this week just in time for Thanksgiving. Bye bye blooms. No snow yet, though!


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