
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Project: Vision Board

What exactly is a vision board? Supposedly it is an affirmation of your vision or dream, goals, future. It is a means to activate the laws of attraction and help your vision become a reality. I thought this would be a nice project for the new year. A resolution in vision board form. I read (and do apologize but I can't remember where exactly) that you should hang your vision (or dream) board in a place where you will look at it every day (affirmation) for one whole year. I have hung mine in my "office/studio," directly above my desk.

I began by taking a stack of old magazines (of which I have many - another good thing for the new year - purge the old magazines!), and cutting out pictures of things I wish to be mainstream in my life. You can also do this, or draw your own, or include real photos.

My focus is of course, on my garden. My garden is a constant source of joy for me. I want my garden to be a backyard retreat for me and wildlife. My dream would be to somehow make my means of living and my passion for gardening one in the same. Another goal of mine is to learn more about herbs and their medicinal properties. I would love to grow, store, and use my herbs for consumption and other remedies – herbal concoctions. I also love to cook and entertain, and would love to be better at it, using my garden as the main ingredient and the setting. And last but not least, I really enjoy painting and would love to have a mature garden as a constant source of inspiration. If I could make some of my living by painting, that would be a dream come true, too. So, these are the things I concentrated on in making my vision board.

What would you focus on? If not a vision board, why not a vision of your garden? You could create the garden of your dreams. In the process of creating a vision board, you may encounter a few surprises about yourself or your garden, and that is another purpose of this project!

I used simple poster board as a backing that you can purchase in any arts and crafts store such as Michael's or Hobby Lobby (in the USA), etc. I glued the pictures on it using Elmer's All Purpose Glue Stick. I used two sheets of poster board because I have a BIG vision. These I taped together with packing tape. My theme developed with the picture of a tree trunk. I thought I would place this in the center and have "branches" of all the things I wish to have unfold and develop in my life.

I've included some inspirational quotes, images that inspire, words that offer encouragement. Truth is I made this vision board extra large so I couldn't possibly ignore it!

I  hope you will try this project – whether you focus on your dreams and goals, or just on your garden. It is easy and fun. It is also inspiring and surprising.

Happy New Year to you! I hope that it brings you something new, something old, health, joy.


  1. Dear Violet Fern, What an inspiring post! Inspiring idea! May your visions for life become as you dream them to be. Your Vision Board is a beautiful work of art. Very Best Wishes for this New Year.

  2. How inspiring but I think I will decline as I have just got my head around all the upcoming projects etc I have in the coming year. If I did an inspiration board it may all go wrong!! I do think it is a good idea though as so often we get in a rut and day dream about the things we would like to do but actually need a push to go and do something about it. I hope 2011 sees you moving more towards your goals

  3. What a great project -- inspirational and beautiful, too. Regarding your interest in medicinal uses of plants, do you know Laurel Thatcher Ulrich's *A Midwife's Tale*? It's a fabulous work of social history based on a diary kept by a midwife who lived in Maine 200 years ago. Midwives at the time didn't just deliver babies; they were general purpose community doctors -- and the book includes an appendix of all the medicinal plants Martha Ballard (the midwife of the title) mentions in her diary. -Jean

  4. Thank you for commenting. How encouraging! Now I am inspired by your comments as well as this board. Thank you Jean for mentioning the book. I love books. There are several herbal workshops in VT and here in Woodstock, NY that I may look into as well.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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