
Sunday, March 20, 2011

First Bloom of Spring

It's the first day of spring and I have spent the day in the garden cleaning up. I have crocus blooming! I spotted this crocus bloom on March 18, one day later than last year. Today I noticed more crocus blooming in the back.

Spring has officially arrived! Daffodils, species tulips, and reticulated iris are also sprouting. So far no sign of the snow drops I planted last year but they are in a shadier spot. Still, I wonder if they have made it.

I have only just begun spring clean up, but here is what is already starting to come up in my garden so far:

Achillea 'Coronation Gold'
Black-eyed Susan
Bee Balm
Bleeding Heart
Campanula 'Blue Clips'
Cerastium 'Silver Carpet'
Feather Reed Grass 'Karl Foerster'
Lamb's Ears
Penstemon 'Jingle Bells'
Obedient Plant
Rudbeckia Maxima
Sea Holly
Sedum 'Angelina'
Sedum 'Blue Spruce'
Sedum 'Maestro'
Solidago 'Fireworks'
Viola (actually blooming!)

I have to add this little note: I apologize for not visiting some of you in awhile. I have taken a part time job at our local library (in addition to our business), to better fund my artwork and garden. I am still adjusting to my new schedule and hope to stop by and visit with you soon. I meant to do a little catch up this weekend but the sun was out and well, I couldn't resist being in the garden. I hope you are seeing signs of spring in your garden, too.


  1. Only signs of spring in our yard are the birds starting to return. We still have 4-5 feet of snow in most places.

  2. No need to is lived in seasons and they change. Glad you posted - your new blooms are lovely!

  3. I know how it goes trying to blalnce a full time job, garden, blog, and start a need to apologize...isn't it funny how many things are popping purple, yellow and white snow crocuses are up with winter aconite..

  4. Dear Violet Fern, I just love seeing tiny flowers like your crocus stretching up out of old detritus. There is something so touching and hopeful about that. We sure need it right now. Well I did see some snowdrops as the snow was receding but today . . . there is a blizzard out there. Snow is flying off the roof and everything as far as I can see is coated in three inches of white again. I know it will not last long. Good luck with your balancing act. I hope you are enjoying your new work at the library. I love your watercolor!! Oh and I love Sharon and her magical world.

  5. We've had 1 nice day to be outside, last week. Although I was home sick with a bad cold, I forced myself into my garden and cleaned for an hour. I've been dealing with bicep tendonitis since last fall and it did not like my gardening activites, but I will not stop gardening!

  6. Your crocus blooms are lovely. I'm impressed by how many plants you already have showing signs of life. In my Gettysburg garden, the crocuses are past their prime, I have lots of buds on hyacinths and daffodils, and I can see new growth on hardy geranium, bleeding heats, pulmonaria, daylilies, aquilegia, and sedum. Isn't spring fun! -Jean


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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