
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Going Native: Cat Nipped

Once again I have been misled, this time by a grinning sprig of cat mint! What I thought was wild mint is actually cat mint and its origins belong to Europe. This may possibly explain my run ins with so many neighborhood cats! Do I feel like the mouse in this game? Sheesh.

I am sensing a common theme here among the "wild flower volunteers" that I let grow in my garden – most of them are not actually native! This is becoming a very good educational experience for me as I research and identify what tends to pop up on its own in my yard and garden. I hope you are benefiting from my enlightenment as well. I think I will be replacing this plant, especially around my potager. I find the bees enjoy this cat mint almost as much as the cats so I would want to replace it. Hairy wood mint would be a worthy, aromatic, native alternative.


  1. it is fascinating what we discover as we educate ourselves...I have catmint that is contained in dry areas but my mint has escaped in a few areas although it is native but aggressive

  2. I'm sure the neighborhood cats appreciate it!

  3. I have always wondered what it is about this particular plant that attracts cats so much. I, too, am trying to incorporate more natives, though i certainly am not a purist! But i am trying to be very careful about anything invasive.

  4. Dear tvf, I am sorry that I have been invasive and am trying not to take your rejection to heart. At least cats appreciate me. cheers, catmint


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