
Monday, June 20, 2011

What's Growing

Let's see what's growing in the potager this month ...

Most of the lettuce mixes can be clipped. Mustard greens, too. I am so ready for fresh greens from the garden!

Rainbow swiss chard, one of my favorites.
Sunflowers reaching for the sun.
Something new this year, chinese cabbage and horseradish.
Garlic scapes!
I have been enjoying these sauteed over pasta and rice, and in eggs.
I also enjoyed my first rhubarb harvest.
I found a wonderful Heidi Swanson recipe for strawberry rhubarb crumble that incorporates toasted pine nuts. Truly delicious.

Basil seedlings. I planted a generous patch with high hopes for another big batch of pesto like last year.

Another new addition, broccoli rabe. The taller ones I started early indoors.
I have a huge wave of calendula that came up from last year. Into the salads they go!
Royal burgundy bush beans and soy beans. I can't wait to try fresh edamame.
Scarlet runner beans so short and already flowering. They are not climbing the trellis as I had hoped.

The brandywine tomatoes are beginning to flower.
My peppers are actually growing! These are hot – cayenne, jalepeno and red chile.
Cauliflower veronica.
Brussel sprouts.
Scallop, or patty pan squash.
Snap peas (planted in late March).
I think I will have a crop of blueberries from the Bluecrop blueberry bush!


  1. Your garden is coming along nicely. It sounds like you will be serving a full meal from it soon. What time shall I arrive?

  2. Everything looks so incredible and healthy!! I love, love, love your trellises too!

    So nice to see you're noshing on the garlic scapes. Mine will be ready in two weeks or so and I cannot wait! They're the tastiest thing ever. Happy gardening :)

  3. Everything is coming on well. Great selection of crops too. I only recently discovered that Garlic tops are called scapes.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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