
Thursday, September 15, 2011

What's Blooming

We have had beautiful warm weather so far this September with just a few cool, rainy days. Plants are just beginning to turn to autumn and there are still plenty of blooms to be found in the garden.

Volunteer Golden Rod.
Perennial Sunflower, Helianthus Microcephalus blooms among Miscanthus.
'Orchid Frost' lamium beneath Blue Spruce.
Common Beggar Ticks, Bidens Frondosa, and wild aster.
Unknown Veronica (lost tag).
Sedum Maestro
Beefsteak or Shiso, Perilla Frutescens in the potager – great sauteed!
Nasturtium in the potager.
Rose Mallows that reseeded themselves.
Borage that has reseeded ... and reseeded ... and reseeded.

What's not blooming is Exotic Love Vine and Morning Glory 'Scarlet O'Hara,' although both have just about covered the rustic trellis in the potager. I planted these for the humming birds but the blooms will be too late since the birds will be migrating any day now. I have planted two trumpet vines instead for next year, a yellow and a red – perennial vines that should offer flowers by mid summer. The red will cover this arbor, the yellow, the trellis by the driveway.

Exotic Love Vine and Morning Glory 'Scarlet O'Hara' on rustic trellis.
Sweet Autumn clematis is just about to bloom on the front porch.
Moon Flower has been blooming on the front porch for weeks.
Purple Hyacinth Bean is blooming along the drive and on the front porch.
Purple bean pods.

Also blooming are susans, sunflowers, cone flowers, obedient plant and a variety of asters and grasses. I think I'll feature the grasses in a separate post. Garden bloggers' bloom day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month. Add your blog to the growing list so all can see what's blooming in your garden.


  1. Wow, you still have a lot going on in the garden. I think the rustic trellis looks great (even though the blooms are late). The hummingbirds will really appreciate what's in store next year.

  2. Absolutely beautiful!!! I can practically smell the Sweet Autumn Clematis from here! I tried growing the Hyacinth Bean one year, but it just didn't do well...maybe I'll try again!

  3. aloha,

    i love all the planting combinations, darks to lights and the color combos, its quite striking and beautiful :)

  4. Great to see so much colour still in the garden. Lots of edible flowers too!

  5. Aren't moon flowers just the most beautiful, dramatic bloom? Love them! I also love your lamium under your blue spruce. Pretty blooms. Happy GBBD!

  6. Must try that Purple Hyacinth Bean next year. How fantastic! Is there a trick to growing it? Also loving that sedum with the dark, burgundy stalks.

    Beautiful blooms. Happy GBBD!

  7. What great garden shots and companion planting. Happy GBBD!

  8. Oh, I miss my moonflower! This is the first year I haven't had it in several years. I meant to plant one, but somehow I forgot. Never again! I think it is the most romantic vine. I love the way the blooms glow at night.


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