
Friday, October 14, 2011

What's Blooming

Blooms are fading fast. In the upcoming months it will be challenging to find any blooms outside in the garden, but we have had a true Indian Summer here in the North Country.

Out front Sweet Autumn Clematis is blooming. This plant can be invasive and I cannot recommend it. Of course, I didn't know that when I planted it. I imagine that here in zone 4 it is not so problematic as it may be further south. To make myself feel better I just planted two native Clematis Virginiana in other areas of the garden – this spot on the front porch receives too much sun. I do have to say the Sweet Autumn smells divine.

This Woods Aster (pink blooms) always punctuates fall. The sedums are just about ready to burst into bloom. Catmint Walker's Low is still faithfully blooming.

Along the drive California Poppies are bright as orange pumpkins. In the background Helenium and Verbascum bloom. Along the trellis the Purple Hyacinth Bean vine is still blooming strong and Scarlet O'Hara is now finally gloriously greeting the mornings.

In the woodland edge geranium Sylvia's Surprise is surprising me with more blooms.

Persicaria Firetail is the work horse this summer ... still a stunning show.

Chocolate Joe Pye was moved this year to this spot due to the porch renovation. Though not as big and bold in previous years, at least there are blooms to let me know that this spot will do. Hopefully next year will be big and bold once again. (Spied several flower flies on Joe Pye's blooms though I am not sure of the specific species. Will have to revisit with guide in hand.)

Tradescantia Osprey says BOO! These were given to me through the mail by Jean at Jean's Garden and were just planted this spring. Thank you Jean! They seem to be happy and they are oh so beautiful.

The potager is putting on a fall display of its own, no pumpkins, but comparable are the bright orange of marigolds and nasturtium.

And at last the Exotic Love Vine is dripping with blooms! If we didn't have an Indian Summer, I'm not so sure if I would have been lucky at love.

Garden bloggers' bloom day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month. Join in the fun with your blog blooms!


  1. Happy GBBD. You have so much color at this time of year. It has really faded in my garden. My Sweet Autumn already dropped too. I like that Exotic Love Vine too. It has a very pretty, multi-color flower.

  2. Your garden is so charming. The wide-shots give such a great perspective of how much character it has...the lovely trellis you've built for the love vine and the rustic shed in the background of the Joe Pye just pull me in! Your fall garden is beautiful.

    I hope you don't mind if I clip the trellis image to Evernote. I'd like to use it as inspiration for a trellis made out of ash juniper...hoping my hubby will be as inspired by yours as I am!! Happy GBBD!

  3. I agree with Cat. Your garden is charming. I have never seen an Exotic love vine before and did not know that Sweet Autumn Clematis has a scent. I have never heard that it was invasive before and have always admired them on all the blogs. Something to consider before I purchase one! I love the way you mix foliage as shown in the second shot. Happy GBBD!

  4. Vines and grasses are an abundance of fall not seen the rest of the year. Beautiful.

  5. I cannot get over all that is blooming up North in your zone 4. Just beautiful. I love my Chocolate Joe Pye and look forward to this time of year to see him. i have also decided to move some of mine into the white garden. he is big enough now. As always your garden is full of beautiful blooms on incredible structures.

  6. aloha,

    love your garden colors, beautiful

  7. I really like your planting combinations so much texture. I have a Chocolate Joe Pye Weed but I lost it, I must replace it

  8. I really enjoyed seeing your blooms. So many of these I don't have, and I loved looking at them. Love the fireworks. Never heard of the love vine. And I'm glad you said the autumn clematis was invasive - otherwise I might have been tempted to include it in my garden. Happy GBBD!

  9. Your garden looks full and lush! I agree about Sweet Autumn's a bit thuggish, but smells amazing!!!

  10. I just decided to take a half-hour away from grading papers this evening to catch up with some favorite blogs, and I was delighted to see your 'Osprey' blooming. I also love that 'Sylvia's Surprise' geranium; that's one I need to look for. -Jean


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