
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Foliage

This fall, I have more trees, though still very young; shrubs that are beginning to fill out; grasses that have become masses and new beds and perennials all with changing foliage and interesting seed heads. Since it is the foliage and not the blooms that is now the star of Northeastern gardens, I thought I would attempt joining Pam at Digging for Foliage Follow Up! (Hopefully, I will stay organized enough to participate regularly in this monthly blog event.)

I like to journal (through blogging) my garden each fall. I enjoy looking back through the years to see how my garden has changed and grown. Here is my garden (forever in the making) this Fall of 2011.

In the Bird & Butterfly Garden you are seeing Evening Primrose Oenothera, Mints (still green), Miscanthus 'Morning Light', Panicum 'Dallas Blues,' perennial sunflower Helianthus Microcephalus, Joe Pye Weed, Forsythia 'Meadowlark.'

Garlic Chives in the Potager
Bluecrop Blueberry in the Potager

A new bed behind the garage workshop. The tree (facing to the left) I believe is an Amur Maple, not native and invasive so I cannot recommend it, but I cannot part with these trees. They were on my lot in Maine and two of them sprouted in a window box I brought with me – just look at this one now. I loved these trees in my Maine garden and keep them because they remind me of my home and garden there. Their fall foliage is always beautiful. Facing to the right, a Red Osier Dogwood.

Red Osier Dogwood

In the new Woodland Edge, much is happening. This Cardinal Dogwood's stems have turned and look rich before the Blue Spruce. In the foreground is the nearly purple foliage of Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Alice.'

Leaf of newly planted Red Maple (here, most of the Maples did not turn red this year)
Newly planted Pagoda Dogwood
Ligularia 'Desdemona'
Maidenhair Fern
Virginia Creeper
Leaves of young Tulip Tree in backyard


  1. What a wonderful display for autumn color! Happy GBBD!

  2. You have a beautiful garden with so much fall color and texture. Thanks for joining in for Foliage Follow-Up this month!

  3. Very nice foliage photos. I'm excited for all your trees you've planted. The tulip trees are so interesting. I have several Cardinal dogwoods and just love them. They're fast growing and make a good screen. It's amazing how their stem color changes with the seasons.

  4. Kathy I love the look of your fall garden and could spot all the many are in my garden too....isn't it funny how that mint just keeps on going...

  5. Your photos are beautiful. I wish I could capture the beauty of my garden half so well.

  6. Stunning post...that first shot is sheer perfection!

  7. You really have some pretty foliage images. Now is a good time to get them in all stages of color and demise.

  8. As your first image demonstrated, you can't beat fall grasses for great foliage and color in the fall. I like your maidenhair fern (both the image and the plant). I must check to see if it is hardy here. The shot of the maple leaf is just great!

  9. I actually think I prefer foliage to flowers - if I had to choose ... your photos are lovely and really capture the fall light and soft as well as vibrant colours.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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