
Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's Blooming

Here I am in zone 4 and believe it or not, I have blooms in the garden! Outside today the wind is howling, huffing, puffing and what sounds like, blowing our house down. The skies are slashing us with rain, maybe sleet, but I dared to step out on the front porch for a quick shot of our native Coral Honeysuckle. Hey, it's blooming in December and deserves to be seen crappy photo or not. Calendula is also still blooming in the garden but I am not venturing that far today and heck, the Calendula will probably bloom right through winter snow and all.

It's red and the grass is, ah, green. I suppose appropriate for Christmas, though we are used to white. Another red and green scheme, the white-winged bloom of this peace lily that seems to practically glow against the red wall by the dim light of the windows. A shot up close reveals more of its delicate details.

And what would a gardener's Christmas be without the blooms of a Christmas Cactus? Here in this tabletop garden, they are just beginning to bloom.

Short and sweet this month. I love the blooms of Pointsettias but can't seem to keep them alive much past Christmas time. I hate to throw them away so didn't purchase one this year. I opted for Paperwhites instead and they should be blooming in time for next month's garden bloggers bloom day, I hope.

Garden bloggers bloom day is hosted each month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Stop by and see what's blooming out there.


  1. I almost went inside for GBBD with our snow, but a few blooms could be found under the the snow when it melted, plus loads of brown skeletons. I am surprised to still see the honeysuckle. It looks pretty on the fence. Have a happy GBBD fellow New Yorker.

  2. Peace Lily - very appropriate for Christmas!
    Lovely color in the Christmas cactus, and I am amazed that the Honeysuckle is still blooming! As soon as this rain stops, I going out to look at my Honeysuckle behind the house. I didn't notice any blooms yesterday, but maybe I didn't look close enough.
    Happy GBBD!

  3. Jealous of the honeysuckle! I've got nothing here in zone 6 NJ and that needs to change for next year.

  4. At this time of year, we'll take whatever we can get! Love the honesuckle!

  5. Not a whole lot blooming here right now. I do love that honeysuckle and the Peace Lily is very pretty. I was never able to get them to bloom.

  6. Wish I had blooms...too many freezes and frosts...not a bloom to be found...our weather has been mostly in 30s and 40s.

  7. What a lovely honeysuckle - it is nice to find flowers at this time of year

  8. Congratulations on pulling through on De December GBBD. I think your second Peace Lily is just beautiful. I admire your work.


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