
Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's Blooming: Paperwhites

It's January and now, finally, the garden is covered in snow. But indoors, I have blooms – big, beautiful Paperwhite blooms. The entire house is scented with their heavy perfume. I have two pots. One adorns the edge of my kitchen/dining table.

I have tied a ribbon around them to keep them upright. If you force these bulbs in water, I've read that you can avoid flopping by adding a little vodka or rubbing alcohol to the water. I have not tried to water mine, which I planted in dirt, with a little alcohol.

I am guessing, but maybe Paperwhites received their name because of the paper-like wrapping the buds leave behind.

The Paperwhites in my new cool, face pot are not flopping. They are planted deep within the pot and the edge seems to be keeping them upright. This is the first hair style this pot has tried on. I will have fun experimenting with new "hairstyles."

Bloom day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month. I always look forward to these monthly blooms.


  1. Your paperwhites are lovely. Mine did best that were in the brightest light. The face pot was a great idea for flopping foliage.

  2. Kathy I adore that cool...the paperwhites are amaryllis is blooming at work and I am not there...i hope to capture a few shots tomorrow when I return.

  3. I'm jealous of your snow...and your paperwhites!

  4. Na zdrovya! I have enjoyed spending a winter morning reading all about the development of your gardens (I like the way you organized each space in pages at the top, and I like the progression of pictures and the explanations of your design thoughts.) You have done such a nice job starting with nothing and creating lovely spaces around you. Great solutions with the screen to hide your neighbor, and I do love your shed & potager. Nice driveway!!

    1. Thank you so much Laurrie. What a wonderful compliment to start my day. I am so glad you enjoyed the making of my garden so far. I am trying to update all my plant lists in the near future. Na zdrowie!


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