
Sunday, April 15, 2012

What's Blooming: Spring Bulbs

My Spring bulbs are emerging at a somewhat slower pace after chilling temperatures following unusually warm temperatures. This year I am noticing the yellow and blue contrast that I've somehow managed to sprinkle throughout the gardens. This year I realize that instead of adding more bulbs this Fall, as I do every Fall, I need to focus on adding native Spring Ephemerals instead. Although the Daffodils and Forsythia are the quintessential yellow Spring cheer, ironically, sadly they are useless to busy bees. The Crocus blooms that usually keep my bees busy, did not seem to last as long with the rollercoaster warm and cold spells. Fortunately(?) I do have an advancing army of Wild Violets and Strawberries, and the Forget-me-nots are just beginning to open.

Coltsfoot, not a true native, but a plant who set roots here with early settlers most likely for medicinal uses, also adds a very early splash of yellow. I will have to make time to observe whether or not my bees visit these flowers. It is a member of the Aster family so possibly. I live with it because I most likely will never be able to get rid of it.

The young Serviceberry should bloom any day now. Its tiny white blooms will compliment the Forsythia. Hopefully in a few more years, Spicebush and Pagoda Dogwood will also add to the Spring show – if they survive bunny's ravenous appetite! I need to invest in more chicken wire.

The brilliantly blue reticulated Iris 'Cantab' are finished - almost missed them and didn't even capture a photo this year. Iris 'J.S. Dyt' is still blooming but I just can't seem to capture a worthwhile photo to share of this tiny, deep violet reticulated iris. Muscari blooms are just beginning to mushroom.

I do not know if the Anemones, Chionodoxas, or Scillas offer anything for the bees, but they sure are beautifully blue and I hope they form nice drifts over time.

The Wild Tulip mix I planted last fall has survived bunny, chipmunk, skunk and squirrel! They are just beginning to pop up in front and the boldness of their blooms is surprising. More should bloom in the backyard gardens soon.

Bloom day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month.


  1. Love those wild tulips! And the blues are so sweet. I love planting bulbs in the fall, but adding native spring ephemerals is such a great idea. I think I'll put that on my list to do, too.

  2. Lovely spring poem Kathy...your garden looks oh so familiar...I too love the violets, Anemones, Chionodoxas, Scillas in drifts..early tulips are just coming up too but wait until you see what else is blooming with them...lots of surprises for mid April!

  3. I too will be planting early blooming natives. I noticed the native bumblebees like the red bud and grape hyacinths.

  4. A wonderful collection of Spring plants! I love my double bloodroot, trout lily and jack in the pulpit - here briefly but they make a Spring walk in the garden so satisfying!


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