
Saturday, September 15, 2012

What's Blooming: Maestro & Perilla

After this hot, dry summer many of my perennials, especially Bee Balm and Purple Cones, have already donned their seed heads for Winter. Their rusty brown and black forms contrast nicely with the fall palette of blooms. In the Bird & Butterfly Garden, perennial sunflowers, always reliable, bloom through Miscanthus Morning Light and peek from beneath Switch Grass Dallas Blues, Black-eyed Susans pop against Purple Perilla. An annual that reseeds itself, Purple Perilla pops up everywhere in my garden. It is also especially nice combined with the silver leaves of Lambs Ears.

In the Woodland Edge, Persicaria Firetail's blooms are now in flame, burning through the puffs of Prairie Dropseed and Nodding Onion.

A purple haze of not-so-Obedient Plants drifts throughout my garden.

Out front, Russian Sage and Walker's Low set off the dark foliage of Elderberry Black Lace. Sedum Maestro sings from a bed of Lambs Ears. Sweet Autumn Clematis perfumes the front porch.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month.


  1. Oh your garden is lovely Kathy...perennial sunflower is a great staple in my fall needs no fuss, little water and just sun....The birds and pollinators are happy to see it starting to bloom. Ditto with the sedums as they look pretty good this year.

  2. I love the contrast of the Black-eyed Susans and the Perilla in the third photo, the Persicarias are lovely, and I love the sedum photo.

  3. I love the photo with the Elderberry Black Lace and also the following one with the sedum. I am saying good by to summer and welcoming fall. Changes in the garden are happening overnight!

  4. You captured a late summer garden beautifully.


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