
Monday, November 2, 2009

Cut & Paste Garden

Sometimes a sketch is just not enough for me. I am a visual person and really like to "see" things. How many gardening mail order catalogs do you have? I know I have plenty. One day I decided I have enough to spare and started a "cut and paste garden." This was a great way to truly visualize plant relationships. It took my initial sketch one step further so I could see color, shape, textures ... Below is an example of a cut and paste garden for my planned "hedgerow." I am playing with seasonal interests here (as well as considering good choices for birds and wildlife).

Following is example of a cut and paste garden of drifts of flowers. You can really visualize the colors.

Finally, here's an example of playing with textures and mingling colors. By the way, because these pictures are from mail order catalogs I can be sure that all these plants share the same needs - sun, soil, etc.

This works great anytime, but especially in the middle of winter when it's pretty difficult to visualize anything but a warm beach. It's an easy and inexpensive way to experiment with plants. You can even add notes. So, go ahead and dream up that new garden bed or revamp an old one - you can always "paste in" the existing garden features you like, or "rip up" the ones you don't!


  1. Loved your idea of a cut and paste garden. You have been tagged for the Honest Scrap Award. See my post on my blog for more information.

  2. I used to do that, especially with spring-blooming bulbs. It really brings your garden together.

  3. I love your blog. Just found it yesterday. I too am a bit (alot) obsessed with gardening. It is so nice to read about other people who are too. I have friends who like gardening but they're not obsessed like I am. I lay awake at night thinking of what I'm going to put here or there! This spring we moved our horses and my husband put in a raised bed vegetable garden for me. That is taking up alot of dreaming time! I'm also an organic gardener. So keep up the blog and the great pictures.

  4. Brilliant idea! I used to give all my catalogs to my kids and they would make collages. Now I am going have to try this before I give them the catalogs.

  5. Thank you so much for your comments. Great idea with bulbs, too, NellJean and Rosey let me know how you make out. Thank you Frenchie - you are too kind!


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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