
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Egads! I've been scrapped!

I'm not sure who started this award but I faved Rosey Pollen for her initiative even if she isn't the instigator and point of origin. (She's a lot of fun and was a fave anyway and I enjoy her blog very much - definitely a blog worth stopping for.)

(Copy and paste this award into your blog if you've been hammered with it.)

According to other posts the Honest Scrap Award "rules" are: (Remember RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN.)
1. Brag about the award.
2. Include the name of the blogger who gave you the award and link back to that blogger.
3. Choose a minimum of seven blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
4. Show their names and links and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with this award.
5. List at least ten honest things about yourself. (TEN?!?)

Mary Delle, in the true spirit of nature, hammered me with this Honest Scrap Award. (Her blog is very provocative and beautiful. You should definitely take time to visit if you haven't already.) (That would be rule number two.)

Anyway, according to past blog posts from recipients of this award, you may either accept it as an honor or a sort of dare - as in how dare you drag me into this! I am going to accept this award as an honor. Being a relatively new blogger I am thrilled to know that anyone actually reads my blog, and even more so, that anyone would want to know TEN things about me much less ONE.

What a GREAT way to get to know more about your fellow bloggers - go Scrap Award! (That would be rule number one - already I am out of order!)

Honestly, TEN?!? things???

1. I am very honest so no problem stating honest things about me - I think I may be too honest sometimes - maybe even what is termed "brutally honest."

2. When I was young, my grand mother took me (and my brother and sister) to the local fair where I played a game trying to sink a ping pong ball into a gold fish bowl and I won!  I have had pet fish ever since. I still maintain a 55 gallon fish tank - which, yes, I MOVED from Maine to NY (fish and all). It is tropical (not salt) with live plants. In the past five years or so, I have been very inspired by Takashi Amano - just google him and see his beautiful work creating aquascapes. His creations renewed my passion and interest in this hobby.

3. Once I ate dog food on a dare - dry dog food. Truth.

4. I met my husband in my twenties and he asked me to move to Colorado and I didn't (chicken - bawk bawk). He asked me again when I was in my mid thirties and I did. We eloped and were "Mauied" on Makena Beach (Secret Cove). He is my soul mate. We will be married eight years this New Year.

'Hawaiian Wedding' 

3. I keep about six different Orchids including the one pictured above (would love to have more but don't have the light or room indoors). I worked with a woman in Maine who kept many beautiful house plants, but not any orchids. I convinced her to try one. She later became the president of the local Orchid Society and just visited Ecuador (in search of Orchids) as well as created a book entitled the "Orchid Alphabet." I think that is really cool.

4. I try to live by these Reiki principles:
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, do not anger
Earn your living honestly
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Love your neighbour as yourself
Show gratitude to every living thing


5. We lost Stanley on August 4th. He is the Golden you see in my profile picture (and above) and he was my dearest friend. He was a week away from his fifth birthday. He had a pancreatic tumor that was inoperable. His symptoms were sudden and he left this life a shooting star and barely suffered. He will always be so very beautiful. On a brighter note, our new puppy, a Golden Doodle, was born on October 24. We have picked out the name MoJo for him as he will be a lucky charm. We will be able to visit him in just a few short weeks. I cannot wait. I will, of course, be posting his picture in the near future.

6. I used to work in advertising/graphic design. I used to work with very large tension fabric displays for national trade shows and some retail. I do not miss either of those jobs. Now, I  work full time with my husband. We make (some) and distribute dog grooming supplies - mostly to groomers. Who knew? If I could do it all over again I would study biology, entomology or forensics (which I find absolutely fascinating). I think my dream career would be to professionally create wildlife garden habitats.

7. I started a pineapple plant from a pineapple I bought at the grocery store - cut off the top and it will root - I just had to try.

8. I keep african violets in my grandmother's name - she always kept violets. Her name was Violet Fern (hence, the name of this blog).

9. I love wine.

"Los Jardines Botanicos de Vallarta, Study I"

10. I love painting with water colors. I am content to drink wine, garden and paint for the rest of my meager life. And that's the honest scrap truth!

Following are blogs brilliant in content and/or design (rule number three) - and, as far as I know, have not been hit, I mean awarded, with this before. Do what you will with this Honest Scrap Award. It is a great way to share and learn with, and about other bloggers.

A Tasteful Garden for the beauty Allison brings to each day with her wonderfully artistic eye.
Atlanta Farm Girl for taking her garden by the roots and making it grow along with the dogs and the horses and the chickens and the kids and the ...
Conscious Gardening for gardening boldly, beautifully, consciously.
Gardening in My Rubber Boots for beautifying her stake in the world with notable style.
Idaho Small Goat Garden for a genuine, down home and friendly garden that welcomes and grows more than just plants.
Madblooms for sharing her wonderful blooming like mad garden and life.
Plant Avenue for propagating garden fun.


  1. first of all... i am so sorry to read of your loss of Stanley. those eyes look so sweet. i wish you happy days ahead with adding a little MoJo into your house.
    and secondly, gosh you got me all blushing and stuff. thanks so much for the Honest Scrap Award. i'm still pretty darn new to the blogosphere, so i am very flattered at your kind shout out. many thanks. i'm psyched to have connected with you and your blog... kindred gardening spirits.

  2. I loved your ten honest scraps. Your previous dog looks like a real sweetheart. I'm looking forward to seeing your new dog. As I said on my honest scrap, I love dogs, just can't have one now. So I will look and enjoy others' doggies.

  3. Oh, and how wonderful you named your blog after your grandmother. I too keep some African violets under lights, as I've no window for them. I admire you for keeping orchids.

  4. Hello,

    I loved this Honest Scrap. I haven't tried Orchids before, but I have been tempted. I have a Golden too, she is 9. I lost her son, when he was 3 and it was very hard.

    It was nice learning more about you.

  5. LOL! What a great blog! Thanks for "hitting me!" I loved learning a bit more about you! I'll have to think about my 10 truths today and start this tonight! Hope you have a great day!

  6. I enjoy visiting your blog and I think your list is great! Dogs are great friends. We have two yellow labs who are very sweet. I like #1...I tend to navigate towards brutally honest people. I just really like that quality in a person....who just tells it like it is!

  7. Amy - I have had to teach myself to temper the brutal part of honest. The truth, and nothing but the truth, but not necessarily the whole truth.

  8. I am sorry about your sweet pet. It is so sad when a family pet dies. My heart goes out to you.
    I loved reading your list, funny bit about your husband, congrats on being married for eight years. That is an accomplishment worth bragging about.

  9. Thank you so much for for the wonderful award! So far for me the most fun has been reading the 10 honest things- What a fun thing to learn about each person. It rounds out how fun it is to read your blog when I know you like wine! Thanks again, I am honored to be included!

  10. Ok, I did it! I was at the store today and they had an area of orchids on sale, so I bought 2. I am a total novice when it comes to orchids. Any advice on where to go for good information? I would really appreciate it.

  11. Yowza! Thank you! I'm going to accept this with honor! Gimme a week to catch my breath and I'll be passin' it on, thank you! BTW, I can't keep an orchid alive to save my arse. They are my favorite flowers, ever...and I buy them at weak moments, after the bloom falls...I can never get it to happen again! I think it may be because I just don't do enough research on houseplants, and winter gardening in Texas is my favorite time to be outside so I've never gotten into forcing bulbs or growing flowers with any success indoors. Why am I going on? I'll put this on the scrap! Thank you again! Have a fab weekend!

  12. Thank you so much for all your comments - especially about Stanley. Anyone can keep orchids! And I encourage you to try if you haven't and if you have, and they haven't rebloomed - simply moving them to another location will probably do the trick! What do you do when a perennial doesn't flower in your garden - move it? I hope everyone enjoys receiving this award and doesn't feel obligated if they don't. Thanks again!

  13. Hey Fern, I've tried to copy and paste the award but somehow it's blocked? Is there a secret way to nab it?



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