
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Going Native: by Mail Order

I ordered a good number of plants this year by mail. Mostly because I am really interested in planting native plants and they can be difficult to find in a local nursery. (I usually have a running list in my head and if I do happen to see a native plant on that mental list in a local nursery, I purchase it.) But this year I wanted to plant my new woodland edge border and came up with a loose plan so I had a specific plants in mind.

I ordered from three sources: Amanda's Garden, White Oak Nursery and Prairie Moon. Amanda's Garden and White Oak Nursery are local to New York State. Prairie Moon I have ordered from several times. I am extremely pleased with all the plants I've received.

I stored each shipment in my shed where it would be out of the sun and remain cool. I really try to plant within a day or two upon receiving. Right now this order is waiting to be planted and tomorrow is the day. Fortunately the weather looks dry. All of the plants I received came with detailed instructions on how to plant.

Earlier shipments of plants that have been planted for several weeks now, all look great. I have buds and tiny leaves! I cannot wait to feature each of these plants in future going native posts. I become more native all the time and here's why: I love the insects and birds. I hope a toad visits my garden this year. I think my garden is ready. Going native really does make a difference when it comes to wildlife. But native plants also have beautiful flowers, and leaves, and textures, and seed heads, and fragrance, and can be stunning in the garden. With mail order you can be sure to find one to fall in love with. We'll see how my new, mainly native-designed woodland edge border grows up.


  1. Looking forward to seeing how your woodland bed turns out. I've never mail ordered plants, your post makes me curious. I agree, using native plants brings so much wildlife into the garden! Enjoy your new plants.

  2. Oh, btw, love the bee in your header!

  3. Oh, I've thought a few times about ordering bare root from Prairie Moon, but haven't because I wasn't sure of the quality. Are they nice and healthy?

  4. Hey this article is great, very informative one, also very true.....

  5. I can't wait to see how the woodland garden turns out...i am sure it will be lovely...I also order natives mostly via mail order...what fun!!

  6. I look forward to seeing your woodland edge border as it matures. I am trying to plant more natives, too. I am impressed with how much more easily they adapt to the garden without coddling.


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