
Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's Blooming

I managed to capture a couple of blooms before our new northern monsoon season began, but today the monsoons arrived. This means wet, soggy blooms. It has been raining for over 24 hours. I have a new rain garden. I have a new pond. Here is a dry species tulip, 'Lady Jane.'

And anemone 'Blue Shades' soaking up sun before rain.

Later blooming daffodils, part of a naturalizing mix from Bluestone Perennials, catch the rays of the sun before bowing to the rain.

My serviceberry tree, laevis, in its first spring did not disappoint!

Carpeting the new woodland edge border are forget-me-nots, more naturalizing daffodils, wild strawberries, and muscari 'Magic Carpet Blend.'

Coming around the northside of our garage/workshop, the bleeding hearts drip with rain.

Greeting us out front are creeping phlox, bright red tulips, ajuga and short iris – all somewhat droopy and drenched.

New this year are two 'Purple Prince' crabapples courtesy of our wonderful village. They dropped them off last week, planted, and staked them. I simply responded to an offer from the village in our local, weekly newspaper. (I have learned that if a newly planted tree is over an inch in diameter it is better to stake it for a year, with a slight give.) With the rain, they are already in bloom. Now I have a blooming buffer from the street.

Annual blooms and the last of my mail orders waiting to be planted. I think it is supposed to rain for the next five days at least ... (sigh).

Garden bloggers' bloom day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month. Stop by, see what's blooming in gardens around the world, and add your blog blooms to the list.


  1. Yes we are back to the cold rain for a couple of days and then some rain on and have really been hit hard up North. We had flooding and built 2 rain gardens to offset the flooded garden areas...working nicely but boy we have had enough for a while...lovely blooms and I love the new nice

  2. Love those red tulips against the white house wall. Everything is lovely! Happy GBBD Day!

  3. Happy bloom day! The stump with the saucer for the birds is nice...very rustic. Sorry you're so cold and wet...sending warm thoughts your way.

  4. We have Wild Ones Niagara here. Saw the logo on your sidebar. Our city grows trees also free to residents. They do not plant them though, that is the responsibility of the homeowner. Your crabapples ate pretty flanking the walk.

  5. Happy GBBD. I love your carpet of flowers and your thick stand of Dicentra (Bleeding Hearts). How exciting to have new trees delivered to your home! I look forward to seeing them again in future posts maybe . . .

  6. This is my first time to your blog, and I love your blooms! I have family in upstate NY (Batavia) and this is a neat glimpse at what may be blooming in their yards :) Happy Gardening!!

  7. Same forcast here. I used a vacation day last Thursday to play in my gardens, the weather was perfect. I'm so glad I had that day. Now for another week of rain. At least my city doesn't have to worry about floods.

  8. Thanks for the look at your lovely garden blooms! Some of the flowers may be "droopy and drenched" but they are beautiful all the same.

  9. What a score with the those trees! I think you garden looks great, even if a little soggy!

  10. dear Kathy, Everything is looking gorgeous! Hope they don't mind the rain. Enjoy the new crabapples. cheers, catmint


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