
Monday, March 12, 2012

First Spring Blooms 2012

I like to journal each Spring when the first blooms open. Last year, crocus bloomed out front on March 18th. This year, I discovered crocus out front and in the Bird & Butterfly garden on March 11th.

Temperatures are supposed to be warmer this week with days hovering around 60° F and nights not dipping below freezing. The bees will most likely be buzzing by the end of the week. The red-winged black birds and grackles – a sure sign of Spring – have also arrived slightly ahead of schedule last year by a few days. Last evening I gazed at the stars and viewed Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Anticipation is in the air. I'll be in the garden!


  1. Happy Spring! It's an exciting time for gardeners

  2. So blubs aren't coming up too much earlier this year. I guess you can say we are a week ahead this year. Spring really has sprung forward.

  3. Kathy it sounds like we were doing the same thing...looking for first blooms, basking in the warmth and star gazing...yippeee spring is here!!

  4. My garden's blooms are about a week ahead, too. Happy Spring! I love little crocus blooms!


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