
Thursday, March 15, 2012

What's Blooming: Early Crocus, Forsythia

Bloom day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens the 15th of each month and I confess, I missed February. I didn't have a single bloom, but that's not to say I didn't drop by and visit to see what was blooming in your garden. 

This month however, I do have blooms! Outside the early Crocus continue to open. The Daffodils seem to push up from the soggy ground by an inch a day. The Lamb's Ear and Bee Balm are greening up.

Crocus peeping through Thyme

Indoors Forsythia is blooming in many vases all over the house. It needed a good pruning and although not native, I do love this shrub come Spring, especially when I can use any left over clippings for cheerful spring arrangements!

We had our first Spring thunderstorm here early this morning. More blooms are sure to follow the booms.

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  1. Happy GBBD Kathy. Spring is really springing here in NY this March, huh. It is so unexpected judging by previous years, but not by the winter we had been having from 2011 to 2012. I cut twigs to force indoors every year, but this year with the farm budding out, I left the forsythia, apple, pear and cherry on the trees and shrubs. Seems like we will be seeing them sooner than usual. Your forsythia looks so pretty indoors, I may grab some next trip to the farm. Our plants were really tight up until last week, then all of a sudden blooms opened. Did you find that with your crocus? We usually get them about two weeks later in the season. A few are open here too, but not all.

  2. Your forsythia branches are wonderful!!! It makes me want to grow this just so I can cut some branches! :) And your crocus are pretty, too. Love that group of white.

  3. aloha,

    two very pretties, love to also cut forsythias....wish i could grow them in my area :(

  4. Love the indoor forsythia...down here a ways we have iris reticulata, early crocus and some later ones and I will have the first daffs blooming by weekend...hard to believe we will also have the pond pump back in and open a full 3 weeks ahead of schedule...everything is moving faster and faster...Happy GBBD!!

  5. Your white crocus and forthysia are so lovely! It's such a nice idea bringing those blooms in for some early color. Happy GBBD Kathy!

  6. HAPPY SPRING KATHY! I have not forced any forsythia this year . . . thanks for reminding me. Lovely blooms you have spring spread all over your house. Joy!

  7. I do love all those cheerful spring flowers. I especially love the vibrant blues you've chosen as containers for your forsythia. Gorgeous! I find it reassuring that your first crocus was only 1 week earlier than last year; I feel as though this spring is running about a month ahead. (That's the benefit of keeping careful records; you can check your impressions against real data.) Happy spring! -Jean


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