
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What's Blooming: Woodland Tulip

Here it is, the 15th, already. What's blooming? Tulips, more daffodils, and snow drops - yes, snow drops. I seem to have a different variety that blooms much later than most. 

I have quite a mix of daffodils, too. While most have faded, the later blooming types have just begun to open.

This frilly white variety also is very fragrant. 

The Forget-me-nots are forming incredible waves of blue this year. Here and there I find them in pink and white. The wild violets add splashes of purple. This whole sea is sprayed with the tiny white foamy flowers of the wild strawberries. Together, they make a wonderful backdrop for the tulips and daffodils.

A favorite this year, are the Woodland Tulips which I planted last fall for the first time. I love their big droopy petals that close each evening and open each morning.

Out front large glowing tulips push up through the phlox, but the dainty little Lady Jane Tulips steel the show.

A tulip fades among the poppy buds.

These short iris given to me by my Mother are another favorite and appropriately bloom for Mother's Day.

The crabapples streetside are in full bloom. Their blossoms vibrate against the green. Now I know why this variety is called Purple Prince.

The dogwoods and columbines are budding and will be blooming next. The Forget-me-nots will pale next to budding Jacob's Ladder. 

Thank you Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting garden bloggers bloom day the 15th of each month.


  1. aloha,

    beautiful show in your garden this morning, i love all the pastel hues and the beautiful tulips, thanks for sharing.

  2. I am astounded at how much different your blooms tulips were either done of barely showing..daffs are pretty much done...I think your late snowdrops are actually Leucojum. I have them too...very similar but taller. Happy GBBD!

    1. Thanks for this info Donna. I will have to look into it. I purchased from Bluestone Perennials and not sure the latin name is mentioned. Very good to know.

  3. Lovely Spring blooms Kathy! Your Crabapples will surely fill the space in years to come. Beautiful!!

  4. What a treat to see your garden and flowers. You a good few weeks behind us in southeast Michigan, now zone 6a.

  5. such an incredible spring-y garden, Kathy. The dark pink of the crabapple flower is unusual and divine. And your snowflake flower are so well trained and compliant the way they gracefully nod and bend for the photo. cheers, cm

  6. We are past spring here, and it is so refreshing to see your lovely images. Your sea of forget-me-nots is completely charming!

  7. Hi Kathy, I just wanted to stop and introduce myself as a friend of Bonnie's. We golf together and were talking gardening and blogs and she told me about your wonderful garden blog. Your photos are stunning!
    Good to meet you, I'll definitely be back to visit.


Thank you for joining me in my garden in the making!

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