
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's Growing: Scallions

Compared to last Spring, the year of monsoons in the Northeast, I feel pretty organized. That could change quickly so I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

The garlic is looking amazing. I have planted lettuce in between the garlic because I read it will discourage flea beetles who moved into my garden last year. You could use a row cover to prevent these tiny pin prick holes in your lettuce leaves but I just can't bear to cover up any of the garden. I want to see green and growth. The lettuces are just beginning to grow.

I've already been harvesting herbs especially chives and garlic chives.

This worked out well for me: Last fall I simply cut down my cilantro and laid it over the bare dirt where I wanted it to grow this year in a criss-cross pattern as a sort of over winter mulch. Now I have a nice crop of cilantro already coming up! I think I'll try this method with the basil as well this fall.

The peas I planted around St. Patrick's Day are finally coming up and looking good. Borage and calendula have freely reseeded themselves all over the garden. There are worse things. This year I will be planting Cardinal Climber among the peas so that when they're finished, I'll have some pretty flowers that the hummingbirds (who just came back this week!) will also enjoy. Hopefully in the full sun of the Potager they will bloom into summer.

Each fall I dig up as much of the horseradish root that I can and then only plant a few smaller roots. This prevents the horseradish from taking over.

New for me this year, scallions. These tiny grass-like blades are my first ever scallion crop. These are salad scallions great for eating raw or lightly sauteed. They are green and red. I can't wait to see the red ones. (Salad Scallions, Delicious Duo from Renee's Garden).

Indoors, my seeds are not the most robust but now that night temperatures are a bit warmer, I'll start keeping them outside. They should fill out with a couple of warm, sunny days. Next year I hope to invest in a good seed-starting lighting kit.

Strawberry fields forever, that is exactly what I have. Wild strawberries cover the Woodland Edge floor. Ever bearing strawberries are creeping into every corner of the Potager. Hopefully I can beat the birds to a few of each but probably not enough for six cups which is what this wonderful, easy balsamic strawberry freezer jam recipe requires. The rhubarb is looking larger this year. Last year I moved it to this spot where the soil stays more moist. My favorite rhubarb recipe is Heidi Swanson's recipe for Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble – I'll be making this for Mother's Day.

Radishes, kale, swiss chard and spinach have also been sown in the Potager and their tiny first leaves are just beginning to push through the soil. Right now it's raining and the garden is receiving a good soaking. 


  1. I love seeing your garden...I have to cover my gardens to keep out pests and keep in much is growing in both our gardens...I am fascinated by what you did with the cilantro...I am assuming you let them go to seed and then cut them down...i will have to look into trying this...

    1. Hi Donna, I have to stop by and see your garden! My Cilantro did go to seed - it lasted so long into the fall that I just let it go.

  2. Your vegetable garden is amazing. Thanks for the tip on laying out the cilantro to seed the following spring. I read in "Carrots Love Tomatoes" to grow borage near strawberries to get more pollinators visiting and that interplanting beans among the strawberries is a good combo as well.

  3. Kathy - I love how organized your veggie/potager is. We have such poor soil and little sun so have given up on veggies other than some herbs in containers. I can't wait to see the harvest in the fall!


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